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Friday nights, student-led Kabbalat Shabbat services take place in the sanctuary. The service includes Hebrew and English and is tailored to the needs of all community members, including the UVJC. Hillel is not linked to any one denomination of Judaism and aims for inclusivity.


New ideas are always welcome; anyone who wishes to lead (all or part of) services or give the D’var Torah may do so. After Kiddush and ha’motzi, a free, student-cooked kosher dinner is served. The menu changes from week to week and from chef to chef, but the food is always kosher and  delicious. Shabbat services are always open to everyone, so join us, and bring your friends! 


During Winter and Spring terms, Rabbi Seth leads Jewish Learning Fellowships at the Roth Center for any student who is interested in wrestling with life's Big Questions through a Jewish lens. More information about JLF is here. 



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